MLIR Toy Tutorial

MLIR Toy Tutorial

1. Toy and AST

Toy语言,一个基于tensor的语言,可以定义函数,执行一些数学运算和输出结果。简单起见,tensor的rank <= 2,只有f64一种类型,并且值不可修改,需要新创建,并自动管理其释放,这一点类似于函数式编程语言。一个例子

def main() {
  # Define a variable `a` with shape <2, 3>, initialized with the literal value.
  # The shape is inferred from the supplied literal.
  var a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];

  # b is identical to a, the literal tensor is implicitly reshaped: defining new
  # variables is the way to reshape tensors (element count must match).
  var b<2, 3> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

  # transpose() and print() are the only builtin, the following will transpose
  # a and b and perform an element-wise multiplication before printing the result.
  print(transpose(a) * transpose(b));

Type checking is statically performed through type inference. Toy语言只续在必要时指定张量形状的Type Declaration。函数是一个泛型函数,参数的类型是不知道的,只有调用时会特化。

# User defined generic function that operates on unknown shaped arguments.
def multiply_transpose(a, b) {
  return transpose(a) * transpose(b);

def main() {
  # Define a variable `a` with shape <2, 3>, initialized with the literal value.
  var a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
  var b<2, 3> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

  # This call will specialize `multiply_transpose` with <2, 3> for both
  # arguments and deduce a return type of <3, 2> in initialization of `c`.
  var c = multiply_transpose(a, b);

  # A second call to `multiply_transpose` with <2, 3> for both arguments will
  # reuse the previously specialized and inferred version and return <3, 2>.
  var d = multiply_transpose(b, a);

  # A new call with <3, 2> (instead of <2, 3>) for both dimensions will
  # trigger another specialization of `multiply_transpose`.
  var e = multiply_transpose(c, d);

  # Finally, calling into `multiply_transpose` with incompatible shapes
  # (<2, 3> and <3, 2>) will trigger a shape inference error.
  var f = multiply_transpose(a, c);


cd llvm-project/build/bin
./toyc-ch1 ../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy --emit=ast


    Proto 'multiply_transpose' @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:4:1
    Params: [a, b]
    Block {
        BinOp: * @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:25
          Call 'transpose' [ @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:10
            var: a @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:20
          Call 'transpose' [ @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:25
            var: b @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:5:35
    } // Block
    Proto 'main' @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:8:1
    Params: []
    Block {
      VarDecl a<> @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:11:3
        Literal: <2, 3>[ <3>[ 1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00], <3>[ 4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00]] @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:11:11
      VarDecl b<2, 3> @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:15:3
        Literal: <6>[ 1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00] @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:15:17
      VarDecl c<> @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:3
        Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:11
          var: a @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:30
          var: b @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:19:33
      VarDecl d<> @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:3
        Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:11
          var: b @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:30
          var: a @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:22:33
      VarDecl e<> @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:3
        Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:11
          var: c @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:30
          var: d @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:25:33
      VarDecl f<> @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:3
        Call 'multiply_transpose' [ @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:11
          var: a @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:30
          var: c @../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch1/ast.toy:28:33
    } // Block



2. Emitting Basic MLIR

2.1 Intro

其他编译器,如 LLVM,提供了一组固定的预定义类型和(通常是低级/类 RISC)指令。在输出 LLVM IR 之前,特定语言的前端需要执行任何特定语言的类型检查、分析或转换。例如,Clang 不仅会使用其 AST 进行static analysis,还会进行transformations,如通过 AST 克隆和重写进行 C++ 模板实例化。最后,在比 C/C++ 更高层次上进行构造的语言可能需要对其 AST 进行non-trivial lowering,才能生成 LLVM IR。

因此,多个前端最终都要重新实现大量的基础架构,以支持这些分析和转换的需要。MLIR 通过设计可扩展性解决了这一问题。因此,很少有预定义的指令(MLIR 术语中的操作)或类型。



%t_tensor = "toy.transpose"(%tensor) {inplace = true} : (tensor<2x3xf64>) -> tensor<3x2xf64> loc("example/file/path":12:1)


2.2 Defining a Toy Dialect


/// This is the definition of the Toy dialect. A dialect inherits from
/// mlir::Dialect and registers custom attributes, operations, and types. It can
/// also override virtual methods to change some general behavior, which will be
/// demonstrated in later chapters of the tutorial.
class ToyDialect : public mlir::Dialect {
  explicit ToyDialect(mlir::MLIRContext *ctx);

  /// Provide a utility accessor to the dialect namespace.
  static llvm::StringRef getDialectNamespace() { return "toy"; }

  /// An initializer called from the constructor of ToyDialect that is used to
  /// register attributes, operations, types, and more within the Toy dialect.
  void initialize();


// Provide a definition of the 'toy' dialect in the ODS framework so that we
// can define our operations.
def Toy_Dialect : Dialect {
  // The namespace of our dialect, this corresponds 1-1 with the string we
  // provided in `ToyDialect::getDialectNamespace`.
  let name = "toy";

  // A short one-line summary of our dialect.
  let summary = "A high-level dialect for analyzing and optimizing the "
                "Toy language";

  // A much longer description of our dialect.
  let description = [{
    The Toy language is a tensor-based language that allows you to define
    functions, perform some math computation, and print results. This dialect
    provides a representation of the language that is amenable to analysis and

  // The C++ namespace that the dialect class definition resides in.
  let cppNamespace = "toy";

使用mlir-tblgen选择gen-dialect-decls可查看生成的C++ source code

${build_root}/bin/mlir-tblgen -gen-dialect-decls ${mlir_src_root}/examples/toy/Ch2/include/toy/ -I ${mlir_src_root}/include/


namespace mlir {
namespace toy {

class ToyDialect : public ::mlir::Dialect {
  explicit ToyDialect(::mlir::MLIRContext *context);

  void initialize();
  friend class ::mlir::MLIRContext;
  ~ToyDialect() override;
  static constexpr ::llvm::StringLiteral getDialectNamespace() {
    return ::llvm::StringLiteral("toy");
} // namespace toy
} // namespace mlir

2.3 Defining Toy Operations

创建一个toy.constant Operation表示常量

%4 = "toy.constant"() {value = dense<1.0> : tensor<2x3xf64>} : () -> tensor<2x3xf64>

An operation class inherits from the CRTP mlir::Op class which also takes some optional traits to customize its behavior.Traits are a mechanism with which we can inject additional behavior into an Operation, such as additional accessors, verification, and more.

class ConstantOp : public mlir::Op<
                     /// `mlir::Op` is a CRTP class, meaning that we provide the
                     /// derived class as a template parameter.
                     /// The ConstantOp takes zero input operands.
                     /// The ConstantOp returns a single result.
                     /// We also provide a utility `getType` accessor that
                     /// returns the TensorType of the single result.
                     mlir::OpTraits::OneTypedResult<TensorType>::Impl> {

  /// Inherit the constructors from the base Op class.
  using Op::Op;

  /// Provide the unique name for this operation. MLIR will use this to register
  /// the operation and uniquely identify it throughout the system. The name
  /// provided here must be prefixed by the parent dialect namespace followed
  /// by a `.`.
  static llvm::StringRef getOperationName() { return "toy.constant"; }

  /// Return the value of the constant by fetching it from the attribute.
  mlir::DenseElementsAttr getValue();

  /// Operations may provide additional verification beyond what the attached
  /// traits provide.  Here we will ensure that the specific invariants of the
  /// constant operation are upheld, for example the result type must be
  /// of TensorType and matches the type of the constant `value`.
  LogicalResult verifyInvariants();

  /// Provide an interface to build this operation from a set of input values.
  /// This interface is used by the `builder` classes to allow for easily
  /// generating instances of this operation:
  ///   mlir::OpBuilder::create<ConstantOp>(...)
  /// This method populates the given `state` that MLIR uses to create
  /// operations. This state is a collection of all of the discrete elements
  /// that an operation may contain.
  /// Build a constant with the given return type and `value` attribute.
  static void build(mlir::OpBuilder &builder, mlir::OperationState &state,
                    mlir::Type result, mlir::DenseElementsAttr value);
  /// Build a constant and reuse the type from the given 'value'.
  static void build(mlir::OpBuilder &builder, mlir::OperationState &state,
                    mlir::DenseElementsAttr value);
  /// Build a constant by broadcasting the given 'value'.
  static void build(mlir::OpBuilder &builder, mlir::OperationState &state,
                    double value);

在ToyDialect initialize中注册operation

void ToyDialect::initialize() {

2.4 Op vs Operation


void processConstantOp(mlir::Operation *operation) {
  ConstantOp op = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantOp>(operation);

  // This operation is not an instance of `ConstantOp`.
  if (!op)

  // Get the internal operation instance wrapped by the smart pointer.
  mlir::Operation *internalOperation = op.getOperation();
  assert(internalOperation == operation &&
         "these operation instances are the same");

2.5 ODS


// Base class for toy dialect operations. This operation inherits from the base
// `Op` class in, and provides:
//   * The parent dialect of the operation.
//   * The mnemonic for the operation, or the name without the dialect prefix.
//   * A list of traits for the operation.
class Toy_Op<string mnemonic, list<Trait> traits = []> :
    Op<Toy_Dialect, mnemonic, traits>;


def ConstantOp : Toy_Op<"constant"> {

  // Add custom build methods for the constant operation. These methods populate
  // the `state` that MLIR uses to create operations, i.e. these are used when
  // using `builder.create<ConstantOp>(...)`.
  let builders = [
    // Build a constant with a given constant tensor value.
    OpBuilder<(ins "DenseElementsAttr":$value), [{
      // Call into an autogenerated `build` method.
      build(builder, result, value.getType(), value);

    // Build a constant with a given constant floating-point value. This builder
    // creates a declaration for `ConstantOp::build` with the given parameters.
    OpBuilder<(ins "double":$value)>


./mlir-tblgen -gen-op-defs ../../examples/toy/Ch2/include/toy/ -I ../../mlir/include/

2.6 Summary


./toyc-ch2 ../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy -emit=mlir -mlir-print-debuginfo


module {
  toy.func @multiply_transpose(%arg0: tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":4:1), %arg1: tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":4:1)) -> tensor<*xf64> {
    %0 = toy.transpose(%arg0 : tensor<*xf64>) to tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":5:10)
    %1 = toy.transpose(%arg1 : tensor<*xf64>) to tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":5:25)
    %2 = toy.mul %0, %1 : tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":5:25)
    toy.return %2 : tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":5:3)
  } loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":4:1)
  toy.func @main() {
    %0 = toy.constant dense<[[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00], [4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00]]> : tensor<2x3xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":9:17)
    %1 = toy.reshape(%0 : tensor<2x3xf64>) to tensor<2x3xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":9:3)
    %2 = toy.constant dense<[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00]> : tensor<6xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":10:17)
    %3 = toy.reshape(%2 : tensor<6xf64>) to tensor<2x3xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":10:3)
    %4 = toy.generic_call @multiply_transpose(%1, %3) : (tensor<2x3xf64>, tensor<2x3xf64>) -> tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":11:11)
    %5 = toy.generic_call @multiply_transpose(%3, %1) : (tensor<2x3xf64>, tensor<2x3xf64>) -> tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":12:11)
    toy.print %5 : tensor<*xf64> loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":13:3)
    toy.return loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":8:1)
  } loc("../../mlir/test/Examples/Toy/Ch2/codegen.toy":8:1)
} loc(unknown)




/// Dispatch codegen for the right expression subclass using RTTI.
  mlir::Value mlirGen(ExprAST &expr) {
    switch (expr.getKind()) {
    case toy::ExprAST::Expr_BinOp:
      return mlirGen(cast<BinaryExprAST>(expr));
    case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Var:
      return mlirGen(cast<VariableExprAST>(expr));
    case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Literal:
      return mlirGen(cast<LiteralExprAST>(expr));
    case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Call:
      return mlirGen(cast<CallExprAST>(expr));
    case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Num:
      return mlirGen(cast<NumberExprAST>(expr));
          << "MLIR codegen encountered an unhandled expr kind '"
          << Twine(expr.getKind()) << "'";
      return nullptr;


/// Emit a call expression. It emits specific operations for the `transpose`
  /// builtin. Other identifiers are assumed to be user-defined functions.
  mlir::Value mlirGen(CallExprAST &call) {
    llvm::StringRef callee = call.getCallee();
    auto location = loc(call.loc());

    // Codegen the operands first.
    SmallVector<mlir::Value, 4> operands;
    for (auto &expr : call.getArgs()) {
      auto arg = mlirGen(*expr);
      if (!arg)
        return nullptr;

    // Builtin calls have their custom operation, meaning this is a
    // straightforward emission.
    if (callee == "transpose") {
      if (call.getArgs().size() != 1) {
        emitError(location, "MLIR codegen encountered an error: toy.transpose "
                            "does not accept multiple arguments");
        return nullptr;
      return builder.create<TransposeOp>(location, operands[0]);

    // Otherwise this is a call to a user-defined function. Calls to
    // user-defined functions are mapped to a custom call that takes the callee
    // name as an attribute.
    return builder.create<GenericCallOp>(location, callee, operands);

我们可以看到if (callee == "transpose")这里是对函数签名进行判断,如果是transpose 那么就需要新建一个TransposeOp类型的MLIR节点,即builder.create<TransposeOp>(location, operands[0])


Author: Paranoid
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